All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Monday, February 28.
10.30.--President and Fellows of Harvard College. Meeting at 50 State street, Boston.
2.00.--Board of Overseers. Meeting at University Hall.
5.00.--Physical Colloquium. "Bjerrum's Hypothesis regarding Absorption Bands in Gases." Mr. J. B. Brinsmade. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25.
7.30.--Monthly candidates, literary and business, called out.
Tuesday, February 29.
2.30.--Lecture (in French). "The Present State of the Problem of Evolution." II. "Comparative Anatomy in Support of Evolution." Professor Caullery, of the University of Paris. Nash Lecture Room, University Museum.
7.00.--Advocate candidates, literary and business called out.
7.15.--Professor E. C. Moore on "West and East. The Expansion of Christendom and the Naturalization of Christianity in the Orient," Emerson A.
8.15.--1919 Smoker, in Union.
8.15.--Organ Recital. Dr. A. T. Davison. Appleton Chapel.
Wednesday, March 1.
Last day for receiving applications for Fellowships and Scholarships, for 1916-17, in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Last day for receiving from persons intending to enter College applications for Price Greenleaf aid, James H. Rumrill Scholarships, and Charles Elliott Perkins Scholarships, for 1916-17.
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