Plans were definitely formed last night for a New England Intercollegiate Wrestling Association. E. F. Davenport of Brown, S. T. Brady of Yale, J. S. Stevens of Springfield, G. H. Stebbins of Technology, and P. Bradley '16 met at the Varsity Club and drew up a preliminary constitution and set of rules and regulations. The association is to be directed by an executive committee, on which each college sending a full team to the annual meet will have one member. This committee will elect a president, secretary, treasurer, and a manager. P. Bradley '16, of Lincoln, was elected manager for this year.
Rules were also established for the intercollegiate meet to be held at the University on March 4. In the preliminaries a fall or a decision will count 1 point; in the semi-finals a fall will count 3 points and a decision 2 points; in the finals a fall will count 5 points and a decision 4 points. The time for the preliminary and semi-final matches will be 7 minutes, with two 2-minute extra periods if necessary; in the finals the periods will be 9 minutes with two 3- minute extra periods if necessary. Pairing is to be by lot and no college can enter more than one man in each event.
The University, Yale, Brown, Technology, and Springfield will all send full teams to this meet, and Tufts, Trinity. Colby, and Bates will each send certain men to different events.
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