


The semi-finals and finals of the University Championship Boxing Tournament will be decided in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 8 o'clock. The men are in excellent shape despite the fact that practice has been held without a boxing mat and several other necessities, and fast bouts are expected.

This is the first Boxing Championship that has been held by the University for twenty-three years. The winners will be entitled to call themselves the University Boxing Champions in their respective classes. In aiding the sport here at the University, the B. A. A. has generously offered the use of its ring and the services of its officials. In addition to these preparations, a dressing room has been arranged in the basement of the Union.

Many prominent sportsmen have been invited. The principal guest will be John L. Sullivan. Among the others who will be present are: P. D. Haughton '99, Francis Ouimet, George Knight, John Morrill, A. Geer, "Jimmie" Walsh, and "Honey" Melody.

All spectators will be required to show their Union membership cards or else special tickets signed by the boxing manager. In the interest of pure sport the management requests that any applause which may be forthcoming will not turn into "rowdyism" or "muckerism."

W. L. Robinson '16 will act as announcer and will introduce John L. Sullivan, who will give a short talk on the sport.


Besides the announcer, the other officials, who are all from the B. A. A., will be: Referees, J. J. Norton, J. Brassil; judges, Hugh C. McGrath, M. L. Winston, P. Moran, J. F. Conway; timers, V. Le Clair, Geo. V. Brown; clerk, E. V. Walsh; assistant clerk, X. McGrath.

The order of the bouts is as follows: Finals, 175-pound class, A. J. Weather head ocC. vs. P. H. Hartley '18; semi-finals, 145-pound class, E. F. Cahill ocC. vs. L. P. Hammett '16, and W. J. Brown '17 vs. W. Campbell '16; semi-finals, 158-pound class, A. M. Geer '16 vs. W. Whitney '16, and A. J. Weatherhead '16 vs. R. Cobb '19; finals, 135-pound class, J. R. Campbell '18 vs. W. G. Cummings '17; finals, 125-pound class, L. H. Bevier '17 vs. A. R. Howe '19; finals, 115-pound class, C. W. Heffenger '18 vs. M. J. Meyer '18; finals, 145-pound class; finals, 158-pound class; heavyweight class, J. L. Bigelow '16 vs. O. G. Kirkpatrick '17.
