
Washington's Birthday Message Received by Wireless Club

The Wireless Club proved that it was following in the trail of "Preparedness" when yesterday morning at 1.45 o'clock it received the Washington Birthday message which was sent from 'Davenport, Iowa. The message was relayed from this station to that of the Club. From the Club it was sent to the Boy Scout master in Lexington, who read it with appropriate ceremonies on the Lexington Battlefield.

Much interruption and difficulty prevented the message from being copied for an hour after it was first heard. As soon as it was received, however, it was telephoned to Governor McCall and to Mayor Rockwood.

S. V. Dean '19, of Lexington, Mass., who was in charge, received the message, which follows: "A democracy requires that a people who govern and educate themselves should be so armed and disciplined that they can protect themselves." (Signed) Col. Michalson, U.S.A.
