
Second and Third Year Law Smoker Committees Named

Plans have been made by the second and third year classes of the Law School for their annual smokers. In the second year class the following committee has been appointed: D. M. Parker, chairman; F. Bergen, S. V. Claggett, L. Clayton, G. S. Pitney, and S. P. Speer '13. The smoker will take place at the Boston Harvard Club on Friday evening, March 31, at 8.45 o'clock. Tickets may be secured from members of the committee.

For the third year smoker committee the following men have been appointed: W. O. Beckham, L. H. Gibson, H. T. Hale, O. W. Hausserman '12, H. C. McClelland, and P. V. McNutt. These men, with T. R. Armstrong, R. C. Evarts, W. W. Hodgson, W. Hugus, and H. A. Scragg, the members of last year's committee, will take charge of the smoker.

Both the second year and the third year committees have made requests for the services of men in the classes, who have ideas for stunts.
