


The start of the CRIMSON business competition for members of the class of 1918 has been postponed until next Wednesday, when all candidates should report at the CRIMSON office at 7 o'clock. Meanwhile those desiring further information can get the same from Grover O'Neill '16, at the CRIMSON office or at Stoughton 19. One more business editor will be elected to the staff from the class of 1918. This editor will be an assistant business manager in his Junior year, and in his Senior year will compete with the other two assistant managers for the business managership.

Since there have been some distinct changes in the organization of the business end of the CRIMSON lately, made possible by the new building, and since this is the first business competition that has been held in the new quarters, it seems well to explain to the Sophomores, who are to compete for places on its business staff, just what will be expected of them. The larger quarters into which the CRIMSON has moved has made it possible to introduce organization and system into the business staff. As a result the work of each editor has been greatly minimized, because of the fact that by this organization the staff has been enlarged from three to five members, and the work correspondingly distributed.

Little Clerical Work Required.

Moreover, closer co-operation between the candidates and the business manager has been afforded by this increase in the staff, since the incidental regular work has been divided among the assistants, leaving the manager free to work with the candidates. There will be practically no clerical work for the candidates to perform, and their work will consist mainly of soliciting advertisements under the supervision and counsel of the manager. The time so spent if at all planned should not exceed on the average several hours daily, since many of the accounts will be assigned.

Valuable knowledge of the financing and distribution of the publication will be gained in the competition as well as an insight into the business conditions in Boston and New York. This is an exceptionally good chance for a student to gain business acquaintances as well as an intimate knowledge of the University and students.
