President Lowell's approval of the regulations for the government of the University Regiment drawn up by Captain Cordier gives that organization an official recognition which it had not formerly possessed. The letter of President Lowell and the regulations are published below.
PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. Cambridge, Mass., February 10, 1916.
The following Regulations (Provisional) for the government of the Harvard Regiment, prepared by Captain Constant Cordier, U. S. Army, are approved and published for the information and guidance of all concerned. A. LAWRENCE LOWELL, President.
Article 1.
1. This organization shall be known as the Harvard Regiment.
2. The object of the Regiment is to impart military training and knowledge to its members during the academic year, and to promote an interest in the student camps of instruction, held during the summer months, under Government supervision. All this with a view to preparing its members for the duties of junior officers of the Army in event of war.
3. The Regiment shall consist of headquarters, band, and two battalions, of four companies each, organized and instructed as infantry.
4. Except in the band, only persons duly registered as members of Harvard University are eligible for enrollment in the Regiment, and such officers and enlisted men of the Army of the United States who may be attached, detailed, or who have voluntarily offered their services in the capacity of instructors, etc.
5. Each person upon joining the Harvard Regiment shall sign the authorized enrollment blank, agreeing to devote three hours per week to military instruction, including both theoretical and practical work, during the period covered by the instruction course. A complete record will be kept of each member of the Regiment, showing his date of enrollment, his class, age, residence, company to which assigned, rank held, aptitude and general attention to instruction, attendance at and absence from drills, lectures, etc., and such other information as may be of future reference to the Government in event of a member being considered for appointment as an officer.
Article 2.
6. Members of the Regiment, duly enrolled, are required to obey and respect all officers appointed over them by proper authority.
7. Respect and obedience to superiors will be confined to the period when the members of the Regiment are actually undergoing instruction; l.e., at drills, or other military formations, and during the lectures, schools, etc., which they attend. It must be borne in mind that "courtesy among military men is indispensable to discipline," and that obedience to the will of the superior is the cardinal principle of proper military control and its resultant efficiency.
Article 3.
8. The senior permanent instructor shall command the Regiment. He will prescribe the training, and will be assisted by such other officers and non-commissioned officers as he may select to act as assistant instructors.
9. Officers and non-commissioned officers will be selected by the Regimental Commander, according to fitness. Until the permanent selections are made, the Regimental Commander may appoint such number of temporary non-commissioned officers as he deems necessary. The names of all such officers and non-commissioned officers, whether temporary or permanent, will be duly announced in orders, and they will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
10. Until the appointment of the regular company officers, the senior temporary non-commissioned officer in each company will act as first sergeant and company commander.
Article 4.
11. Men will be assigned to companies, as far as practicable, according to choice, and so as least to interfere with their college work.
12. Transfers will be effected from one company to another where necessary; but applications for transfer should not be submitted except for cogent reasons, as such transfers seriously affect the efficiency and organization of a company.
13. According to the agreement embodied in the enrollment blank, a member may be dropped from the rolls of the Regiment if twice absent from a regular formation, lecture or school, held within the weekly three-hour period, if he is unable to furnish an acceptable excuse for his absence. All members who absent themselves from the regular drills and lectures must submit, in writing, an explanation as to the cause of their absence. This communication will be addressed as prescribed in orders, and will be referred by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment to the Regimental Committee. Upon the approved recommendation of the Regimental Committee the delinquent will be dropped from the rolls of the Regiment and his name published in orders. He will not be reinstated before the end of the academic year, except upon the unanimous recommendation of the Regimental Committee.
14. A member's agreement may be cancelled upon his own application for justifiable cause; such as, illness, injury, manifest interference with studies, or for other reason which may appear necessary to the Regimental Committee. Upon their approved recommendation the Regimental Commander will return the cancelled enrollment blank.
Article 5.
15. The Regimental Committee shall consist of two members chosen from each of the eight companies. These members shall be elected by the men of the respective companies.
16. This Committee shall select its own presiding officer and a secretary, and shall assemble twice a month, and at such other time as it may be convened by the Regimental Commander, for the transaction of such business as may be properly brought before it. This Committee shall have direct charge and shall be responsible for all financial transactions affecting the Regiment; the deciding of all cases involving the dropping of members for cause; the purchase and gratuitous issue of uniforms; the purchase of equipment; the procuring and rental of buildings and grounds used by the Regiment; and of such other matters as may be properly referred to it by the Regimental Commander,--appointing the necessary sub-committee to carry on this work; these sub-committees will make their reports to the Committee of the Whole.
17. A treasurer shall be selected from the University; and if a member of the faculty, he shall be ex-officio a member of the Regimental Committee.
18. The Regimental Committee, as such, does not exercise command or the power of discipline, which are directly entrusted to the Regimental Commander, and its action is limited in this respect to an advisory function.
19. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Regimental Committee, it shall be filled by the election of a new member from the company wherein such vacancy occurs.
20. Members of the Regimental Committee who are absent without cause from the regular meetings of the Committee, or who, in the opinion of the Committee, fail properly to perform their respective duties, may be fined as the Committee sees fit, or the name of the negligent member may be reported by the Committee, through its chairman, to the Regimental Commander for neglect of duty. Upon the recommendation of the Committee the Regimental Commander may relieve such negligent member from the Committee and direct his company to elect a successor. In this case it shall be incumbent upon the Regimental Commander to publish or to relieve said member in published orders.
Under the provisions of Paragraphs 4 and 8, Captain Constant Cordier, U. S. Army, is announced as senior permanent instructor and commander of the Harvard Regiment, effective from January 10th, 1916, the date of the organization of the Regiment
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