

Schedule of Remaining Examinations to be Given by Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

The complete schedule of examinations to be given in all departments of the University today and tomorrow is published below. All the examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock. Examinations Today. Botany 8,  Sever 30 Chemistry 24,  Sever 29 Fine Arts 10b,  Robinson Hall French 2 XI, XII,  Lower Mass. French 3,  Lower Mass. French 16,  Sever 35 German F I,  Sever 29 German 18,  Sever 29 Latin A,  Sever 30 Semitic 17,  Sem. Mus. 1 Semitic 22,  Sem. Mus. 1 Slavic 4: Adams to Cummings (inclusive),  Sever 35 Dort to Young (inclusive),  Sever 36 Examinations Tomorrow. Chemistry 11: Albiza-y-Campos to Holt (inclusive),  Sever 29 Hudson to Wooldredge (inclusive),  Sever 35 Comp. Literature 6a,  Robinson 1 fl. Economics 6a,  Harvard 5 Education 10 hf.,  Sever 30 English 28: B. F. D. Adams to Monk (inclusive),  Emerson D Munroe to J. F. Smith (inclusive),  Sever 5 M. N. Smith to Zobel (inclusive),  Sever 6 English 41,  New Lect. Hall Fine Arts 2a,  Fogg Lect.-rm. Fine Arts 2b,  Fogg Lect.-rm. Fine Arts 4b,  Sever 5 French 6,  Lower Mass. German 32,  Upper Mass. Government 14,  Harvard 2 Greek 2,  Sever 30 Greek 6,  Sever 30 History A4,  Andover B History 11,  Upper Mass. History 28,  Sever 36 History of Science 1,  Sever 36 Mathematics A I: Professor Birkhoff's section 1a: Anderson to Faxon (inclusive),  Sever 19 French to Yesner (inclusive),  Sever 23 Mr. Simon's sect. 1b,  Sever 20 Dr. Green's sect. 1c,  Sever 17 Mr. Pfeiffer's sect. 1f,  Sever 17 Mr. Johnson's sect. 1d,  Sever 24 Mr. Berridge's sect. 1e,  Sever 24 Mathematics 3,  Sever 18 Mathematics 14a,  Harvard 3 Music 4: Adams to Bassett (inclusive),  Harvard 3 Beal to Packard (inclusive),  Harvard 6 Palmer to Wolfman (inclusive),  Holden Philosophy 13c,  Emerson D Psychology 2: Alexis to Kirchbaum (inclusive),  Emerson A Lanouette to Zartman (inclusive),  Emerson F Romance Philology 3,  Harvard 2 Semitic 2,  Sem. Mus. 3 Semitic 19,  Sem. Mus. 3 Social Ethics 1,  Emerson J Zoology 1: Alexander to Lewis (inclusive),  Zoological Lecture Room Lilienthal to Rivers (inclusive),  Pierce 202 Robinson to York (inclusive),  Pierce 209 Zoology 12,  Harvard 3
