

The decision of the Corporation, announced in another column, authorizing the Treasurer of receive contributions for a memorial to Harvard men who have fallen on the battlefields to Europe should be applauded by all men who admire heroism and who believe that absolute self-sacrifice should not be forgotten. With commendable breadth of mind the Corporation determined that the memorial should not only be for those who have died in the service of the Allies, but that it should perpetuate the names of all who have given their lives for any cause. Under so inclusive a banner as this, even the most bitter supporters of either side can enthusiastically enlist.

What form the memorial will take and where it may be located are matters that can well be left until the end of the war. In the meantime we can feel assured that the memorial when it is finally complete will be worthy of the name of Harvard and worthy of the men who by the loss of their lives have upheld the best traditions of Harvard in the world conflict.
