

Wheeler Only University Player Given Place on Eleven.--Yale and Princeton Have Two Each.

Lawrence Perry, sporting editor of the New York Evening Post in Choosing an all-Eastern eleven, gave one place to the University, two to Yale, two to Princeton, two to Colgate, and divided the rest between Pennsylvania, Brown, Army and Notre Dame. W. H. Wheeler '18 was placed at tackle on the first eleven, and C. A. Coolidge, Jr., '17 and E. L. Casey '19 were placed at end and halfback, respectively, on the second team. Yale has three men on the second team and Princeton has two.

Neville and Casey share the honors at halfback on the second team with Doane of Tufts at fullback and Cannell of Dartmouth at quarter. Coolidge and Moseley, of Yale, fill the wing positions, and the line is made up of McLean, of Princeton, and Gates, of Yale, at tackles; Captain Hogg, of Princeton, and Henning of Pennsylvania, at guards, and McEwan, of the Army, at centre. The line-up of the first eleven follows: Miller, l.e.  Pennsylvania Wheeler, l.t.  Harvard Black, l.g.  Yale Gennert, c.  Princeton Bachman, r.g.  Notre Dame West, r.t.  Colgate Highley, r.e.  Princeton Anderson, q.b.  Colgate Pollard, l.h.b.  Brown Oliphant, r.h.b.  Army Legore, f.b.  Yale
