The Class of 1920 will meet in the Smith Halls Common Room at 7.30 o'clock tonight to witness the award of the Memorial Scholarship presented by the Class of 1919 to a member of the freshman Class. Dean Yeomans will address the Freshmen and last year's executive board of the Class of 1919 will be present to make the presentation.
The Class desire on the part of the result of the desire on the part of the present Sophomore Class to continue the custom establishment by the Class of 1918 of presenting the University with a gift at the end of the Freshman year. At the same time, the executive board of the class wished to have the gift of such a nature that it would form a worthy precedent for other classes to continue. The sophomores were able to make this gift this year from a surplus in the class treasury after the collections had been made.
The Scholarship is awarded to the Freshmen who, in the opinion of the class officers, has done the most for his preparatory school. Candidates for the aid were suggested last spring by the headmasters of the schools and the decision was made during the summer. The recipient of the scholarship will not be announced until the meeting tonight.
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