

By the death of Charles Pomeroy Parker, Harvard University loses one of her most valued professors, and the classic world is deprived of a scholar whose high character and ability has long been respected. As professor of Greek and Latin for fourteen years, he influenced the men who sat before him, not only instructing them from his wide knowledge, but inspiring them by his personality and leading them on to the more advanced fields of scholarship. Professor Parker loved the subject he taught, and what is exceptional, he was able to impart a like feeling of devotion to his students.

To most of us he was better known through his position as chairman of the Committee on Electives. The office was one which required a comprehensive knowledge of the details of the educational system, and more important, an inexhaustible amount of tact and diplomatic skill. All these requirements Professor Parker fulfilled in a commendable manner. Never demonstrative or effusive, he met all who came to him for advice simply and courteously. He was always just in his decisions; patient and forebearing in his judgements. Whoever came to him for advice found a man who took a personal interest in the particular individual's ideals and ambitions.

To Freshmen he offered his friendship every year, and many of them found that the offer was more than an empty promise. Similarly classes for a number of years past look back with a feeling of pleasure to the hours spent in Professor Parker's courses, and with a feeling of gratitude for the advice and friendship which the great scholar so freely gave.
