

Attractive Program Arranged at Phillips Brooks House Xmas Night.

Professor George Herbert Palmer '64 will read the story of Christ's birth from the Scriptures, and the "Hymn" from Milton's "Ode on Nativity," at the annual "open house" entertainment at Phillips Brooks House on Christmas evening from 6 to 10 o'clock. All those men who remain in Cambridge during the recess are invited to gather before the fire to enjoy the interesting program which has been arranged for the occasion.

"An Evening of Dialect" will be rendered by Miss Margaretta Josephene Penick, of the Emerson College of Oratory. C. W. Chenoweth '13G will give a reading and E. E. Dale 2G will sketch some incidents of cowboy and Indian life in the West.

The musical program will include selections by a vocal quartet, composed of A. A. Rounder '20, M. A. Shattuck '19, W. H. Gardner '18 and H. A. Roberts '20. M. C. Rogers 2L will sing Southern melodies and J. E. Bagley Sp. will play on the piano. In addition to the special vocal and instrumental selections there will be group singing for all present.

The usual refreshments, consisting of apples, nuts, candy, doughnuts and cider will be served. Attention is called to the fact that this entertainment will not conflict with Professor Lowell's reception which comes on Christmas eve.
