The University association football team will hold the election for captain of the 1917 team before the picture at Notman's this afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. The following men who have received their "AHF" this fall are eligible to vote.
Earle Henry Bean '17, of Melrose; Richard Clark Cooke '18, of Newton Centre; Oswald Gordon Daly '17, of Baltimore, Md.; Francis Christopher Edmond '19, of South Boston; George B. Emmons, Jr., 17, of Brookline; Eustace Lee Florance, Jr., '19, of Dorchester; Henry Solomon Freedman '17, of Brockton James King Hoyt, Jr., '17, of New York, N. Y., manager; Vernon B. Kellett '18, of Hopedale; Edwin Earl Lucas '19, of Sound Beach, Conn.; Edward Horton Page '18, of Wollaston; Theodore Holton Rice '17, of Brookline Willard Wadsworth Rice '18, of Newton Centre; Sydney James Rogers '17, Cambridge, and George Hammond Tilgman '19, of Morristown, N. Y.
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