Four members of the Fine Arts Department of the University will give several of the series of conferences which are to be held in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts from January to April, 1917. "Professor Arthur Pope '01 will speak on "The Use of Line--East and West," on February 8, "The History and Technique of Italian Painting" will be the topic of a lecture by Edward W. Forbes '95, director of the Fogg Art Museum, on March 1 and 8; Paul J. Sachs '00, assistant professor of Fine Arts, will hold a conference on "Engravings by Sixteenth Century Northern Artists," on March 15 and 22, and Dr. Denman W. Ross '75, lecturer on the theory of design, will discuss "Principle of Design," on March 29 and April 12. Other conferences will be held on January 4, 11, 18 and 25; February 1 and 15, and April 5. Aat each of these conferences men prominent in Eastern art circles will speak on topics of special interest to all students of art.
Admission to these conferences is free, but the ticket of admission does not exempt the holder from paying admission to the Museum. Applications for tickets are to be made in writing to Huger Elliott, superviser of Educational Work at the Museum, and the conferences which the applicant desires to hear must be specified in order of preference. A stamped and addressed envelope is to accompany each application. The conferences will begin at 4 o'clock and the audience is asked to be in their seats at that hour.
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