


The Governing Board of the Union at a meeting yesterday afternoon decided to demand action on the question of compulsory membership in the Union, which was voted upon favorably by the entire University last spring. In the following letter to the chairman of the Administrative Board of the University and the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Union, a speedy change in the organization of the Union is requested in accordance with the decision of the University in May. The vote at that time was 926 for and 308 against compulsory membership. The complete text of the letter follows:

At a meeting of the Governing Board of the Harvard Union on December 15, 1916, the following matter came before that body, and the sense of the meeting was that:

Since it has been conclusively proved that the Harvard Union cannot exist as a social club in its present weak status, both financially and economically; since the undergraduate officers of the Union were given to understand by the College authorities in May, 1916, that in the event of an affirmative majority on the membership question by the undergraduate body, that the annual fee at a reduced rate would be placed on each undergraduate's term bill; and since the vote showed a three-to-one majority in favor of the above proposition; we, the undersigned Governing Board of the Harvard Union, do hereby earnestly request that the Administrative Board of Harvard University make a report at once as to their findings in the case.

We do also earnestly request that the Board of Trustees take instant action in the whole-hearted support of the change in organization, for we feel that without the co-operation of our graduate representatives, little can be done towards bettering the intolerable situation now in existence in the Union.



D. M. LITTLE, JR., '18.

M. J. LOGAN '15.


C. A. COOLIDGE, JR., '17.

R. HARTE '17.

G. B. BLAINE '17.

Two Added to Governing Board.

William Otho Morgan '18, of Highland Park, Ill., and Edward Reese Roberts 1L, of Cape Girardeau, Mo., have been elected to fill the two vacancies on the Governing Board of the Union.
