
All-American Team a Fallacy.


Of all games football is the one which does not call for the selection of an All-American, an All-Eastern, or an All-Any-oldkind of team. It is the one game where the individual counts the least. You have logic and figures upon which to base the selection of an All-American track team or an All-American baseball team, but there is no settled logic and there is no scheme of mathematics upon which you may base the selection of an All-American football team or an All-Any-section team.

Also it is obviously impossible to select a championship team for any section. The game calls for too much physically from its players to make it possible to stage a sufficient number of games to decide a football championship. Players who have put forth all that they could muster against a traditional rival might show up stale against an inferior football team a week later. Certain games call for the supreme effort; others are merely football games to fill in a schedule. --The Outlook.
