
Training Ambassadors.


American universities and colleges have one important field of service that is often disregarded. In the training of hundreds of students from foreign countries they are each year doing a great work toward bringing about a better international understanding among the countries of the world.

These observations are called forth by an item in the DePauw Daily to the effect that Ambassador Sato, the newly appointed Japanese representative at Washington, is a DePauw alumnus of the class of '81. Sato succeeds Ambassador Chinda, also DePauw '81, at Washington.

This more than ever shows how important it is that universities make an effort fully to incorporate into the American college life the foreign students within their gates.

Men in such posts as those of Ambassadors Sato and Chinda must necessarily have a greater degree of sympathy and understanding for America and her customs by reason of education in the United States.

We may now be training future diplomats, who, in after years, will be in positions to tighten the bonds of international friendship. And we certainly are training many men who are going to assume important roles in the national life of their native countries after graduation.


It is a paramount duty of ours to impress upon them an understanding of America. Ohio State Lantern.
