


The registration figures from more than 50 colleges throughout the United States show a marked increase in practically every case and in many colleges capacity enrolments are reported. In fact, to many institutions the growing enrolments present a serious problem, for accommodations are taxed to the limit and means for taking care of overflow enrolments must be devised.

The announcement from Princeton that the proportion of high school graduates entering the University is steadily growing indicates that the action taken by the University, Yale and Princeton in broadening their entrance requirements has accomplished the desired result, for it has done away with the necessity for specialized preparatory school training. In addition, the statement comes from Princeton that the scholarship of this year's freshman class is considerably higher than that of last year, which seems to indicate that the entrance requirements have not been lowered by the change.

The latest registration figures show New York University leads the country in the number of actual students pursuing definite courses. Columbia, which has formerly been granted this position, owes most of its numerical strength to its summer school and extension courses. It is estimated that more than 20,000 people are reached annually through the medium of Columbia's extra-curriculum activities.

11 University Pass 5,000 Mark.

There are eleven universities in the country having registrations exceeding 5,000. The list follows: Columbia, Cornell, New York University, Northwestern, Ohio State and the Universities of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Following is a list of the registrations at 36 of the most prominent colleges and universities: College  1916  1915 New York University,  7,719  7,074 Columbia,  7,327  7,042 Michigan,  5,976  5,821 Illinois,  5,888  5,511 Cornell,  5,264  5,392 Northwestern,  5,227  5,113 Pennsylvania,  5,226  5,000 Minnesota,  5,114  4,679 Ohio State,  5,077  4,897 Wisconsin,  5,020  4,868 Harvard,  4,998  4,782 Chicago,  4,881  4,309 Syracuse,  4,100  4,020 Yale,  3,306  3,303 Washington,  3,212  2,812 Boston University,  2,998  2,297 Iowa State,  2,869  2,664 Penn. State,  2,367  2,302 Leland Stanford,  2,022  2,052 Indiana,  1,999  1,768 M. I. T.,  1,957  1,900 Tufts,  1,745  1,541 Princeton,  1,555  1,523 Dartmouth,  1,501  1,468 Maine,  1,195  1,193 Brown,  1,136  1,114 Virginia,  1,060  1,010 Johns Hopkins,  1,011  929 Lehigh,  775  705 M. A. C.,  696  668 Holy Cross,  593  593 Williams,  547  504 Amherst,  506  429 Bates,  476  472 Bowdoin,  435  400 Colby,  418  440 Total,  106,204  101,596
