
Co-operation in Education.


As part of the services commemorating the two hundredth anniversary of Yale's removal from Saybrook to New Haven, President Arthur T. Hadley preached a sermon pointing out to undergraduates their civic duties, and their relations to the cities in which they make their home. In the course of his remarks Dr. Hadley said:

"To have good public education we must have co-operation between scholars on the one hand and practical men on the other; the scholars to decide how things can be taught, the practical men to determine how the money available for the purpose can be spent so as to give the largest possible returns. To have good public administration we must unite our efforts and powers in the same way. We must utilize the researches of the scientific expert of every kind, physicist or chemist, physician or engineer, jurist or statistician; but we must have this work directed and organized by men who understand the conduct of business in the best sense of the word. The same spirit of co-operation is needed in order to bring our standards of public morality into line with the needs of the age. We must be equally ready to learn lessons of history from the historian or lessons of experience from the man who has had practical experience of the devious ways and difficult problems of modern politics." --The Lawrentian.
