


A football mass meeting will be held in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 7.15 o'clock. The cheer leaders will be present to rehearse the cheering for the Princeton game and R. M. Cook '17 will lead the singing, for which the Regimental Band will play the songs. The entire team will be present on the stage. W. H. Trumbull '15, acting captain of the 1914 team, and Captain H. H. Dadmun '17 will address the meeting.

The student body will be admitted to football practice tomorrow afternoon for the first time since the opening of College. Members of the University will assemble in the Yard and, starting at 3.35 o'clock, will march directly to the Stadium behind the Regimental Band. The Stadium will be opened at 4 o'clock and the undergraduates will cheer the team in its last practice before the Princeton game.

Yesterday's Practice Light.

Yesterday's football practice, though it was a very long workout, was not particularly hard. Team A had a light scrimmage when it was lined up against the second team for about ten minutes, and was then given a long signal drill, when team B was put in its place. During team A's scrimmage one touchdown was scored, E. L. Casey '19 carrying the ball over the goal line for the regulars early in the practice. The second team was able to prevent a score by team B, and succeeded in making a touchdown on a forward pass to G. B. Woods '19. The University squad was on the defensive a considerable portion of the time.

R. Horween '18 was given a short tryout at his old backfield position yesterday afternoon after having been unable to play since the Cornell game. He did not seem to be weakened in any way by his enforced rest for, though in only a short time, was active in all the plays. W. F. Robinson '18 is still suffering from a cold which he has had for several days, so was unable to get into the scrimmage.


The only change in the line-up of team A since Monday's practice, with the exception of Horween's return to the backfield, was that W. B. Snow '18 was in C. A. Clark '19's place at right guard.

The practice yesterday was witnessed by H. B. Gardiner '13 and D. C. Watson '16, both former quarterbacks on the University eleven, who assisted in the drilling of the quarterbacks of the squad.
