

University School, of Cleveland, Will be Guests of Freshman Class During This Week-End.

The Freshman football team has arranged a game with the University School of Cleveland, Ohio, and the contest will be played next Saturday on Soldiers Field, starting at the same time the second half of the Princeton game begins. The University School team is the one that "Speedy" Rush, Princeton's head coach, had charge of before he took on duties at Princeton. It is one of the best preparatory school teams in the West, and the game will be a hard one. The visitors will be entertained while they are here, and accordingly the following is addressed to the members of the Freshman Class:

"The football team of the University School of Cleveland, Ohio, will be the guests of the Freshman Class next Friday and Saturday. They will be here nearly three days, arriving Friday morning and leaving late on Sunday. They will eat in the Freshman dining halls; they will sleep in the Freshman dormitories, and it is the intention of the Freshman football team to entertain the visitors while they are here. An auto ride through Lexington and Concord and a theatre party Saturday night have been suggested. But this requires the support of the entire class.

"Today the three dormitories will be canvassed by candidates for the Freshman football managership to raise an entertainment fund. It is hoped that 1920 will respond with a general feeling of hospitality towards a team that is coming all the way from Cleveland, Ohio, to play its first game in the East."
