

President Lowell Will Greet Unique Western Organization Friday.

The Columbia Park Boys' Club of San Francisco, Cal, which is making a tour of the United States and which has just completed a 600-mile hike from Washington to Boston, will be entertained at the University by the Phillips Brooks House Association next Friday. This organization of 45 boys from the slums of San Francisco is in Boston during this week giving exhibitions consisting of dramatics, gymnastics and musical selections at the Boston Theatre. Friday the members of the club will come out to Cambridge at noon, when they will be entertained at lunch by individual Freshmen at the Freshman Halls. After lunch the club will be shown around the University and late in the afternoon President Lowell will meet it in a body in the Faculty Room of University Hall. The boys will be entertained at dinner by undergraduates.

The Columbia Park Boys' Club is an organization unique among boys' clubs. Starting from the humble beginning of a settlement house club, it has risen to a place of distinction among boys' clubs, and to a stage where it is entirely self-supporting through the clever entertainments which its members have perfected. The members of the club wear uniforms and each plays a particular part in its efficient organization. In previous years the club has taken transcontinental tours similar to the trip it is making this year.
