

The announcement that Mrs. Gardner will open Fenway Court during this week is welcomed by all who are able to take advantage of this annual privilege.

Mrs. Gardner's residence, as is well known, is built in the style of the Venetian Renaissance palace, and incorporates many original structural details which have been brought over from Italy. The central court, protected by a sky-light, is a marvellous complex of floral color and fragrance.

Baedeker, in his guide-book, calls Mrs. Gardner's "the choicest collection of art in America". It includes Raphael's Portrait of Fedra Inghirami, the "Rape of Europe," by Titian, called by Rubens "the first picture in the world," and best known of all, the "Portrait of Thomas Howard," by Rubens. Botticelli, Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese, Giorgione and Cellini, are among the Italians represented, and there is a splendid group of canvasses by Rembrandt. This opportunity is one of which students who wish to broaden their interests should not fail to take advantage. One seldom is able to see in America so many objects of artistic value and historical interest of every description as crowd the rooms of this most remarkable of American residences.
