(All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar.")
8.30--Meeting of Menorah Society in Memorial Hall Delta.
1.30--Second assistant hockey manager candidates report at Thayer 87.
4.30--Geological Conference. Mineralogical Lecture Room. University Museum.
7.30--Meeting of University hockey candidates at Varsity Club.
Wednesday, November 29.
4.00--Conference on Municipal Government. "The History of Municipal Sanitation in Massachusetts," by Professor G. C. Whipple. Widener N.
8.00--Physiological Colloquium. "The Influence of Concentration and Temperature Upon the Rate of Activation of Starfish Eggs by Butyric Acid," by Dr. Ralph S. Little of Clark University--Conant Common Room.
8.15--Organ Recital. Dr. A. T. Davison '06, assisted by Mrs. Louise Reynolds. Andover Chapel.
Thursday, November 30.
Thanksgiving Day. A holiday in all departments of the University.
8.45--Morning service, conducted by the Reverend Albert Parker Fitch '00, D. D. Appleton Chapel.
10.30--Football. Rattery A vs. First Corps Cadets in Stadium.
6.00--Entertainment at Phillips Brooks House.
Friday December 4.
Last day for receiving applications for the Charles Eliot Norton Fellow-ship in Greek Studies for 1917-18.
Last day for receiving applications for aid from the Loan Fund.
4.00-6.00--First University Tea in Phillips Brooks House.
4.55--Harvard Zoological Club. "The Rheotropism of the Grouper Epine Phelus Striatus Bloch" by Mr. Hovey Jordan Zoological Laboratory Room 16.
7.30--Physicla conference "Recent Progress in Connection with the Quantum Theory," IV., by Mr. B. C. Kemble 14G. Jefferson Physical Laboratony Room '8.
8.00-Lecture on "Germany's Picture." By Professor Kuno Frapolo. Emerson D.
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