
New Haven Road Starts Extra Service Tomorrow For Game

The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad will provide the following extra service trains to New Haven tomorrow and Saturday. Round trip tickets good for return at any time will cost $6.96. The parlor car fare is $1.80 extra, round trip fare, lower berths, cost $2 and uppers, $1.60.

The train especially for undergraduates will be the Harvard Limited, which leaves the South Station Saturday in two sections at 8.15 and 8.20 o'clock. Neither section will stop at Back Bay.

Besides the regular service, trains for New Haven with special equipment to accommodate University men will leave the South Station at the following times:

Tomorrow: 1.02, 2.30 (Pullman only); 5.02, 12.00 midnight (may be occupied from 10 P. M. to 7 A. M.)

Saturday: 7.30, via Shore Line; 7.35, via Shore Line; 7.40, via Air Line; 8.00, 8.05, 8.10, via Shore Line; 8.10, via Spring-field; 8.15, via Shore Line; 8.15, via, Air Line; 8.20, via Air Line; 8.20, via Spring-field; 8.20, via Shore Line; 8.23, via Springfield; 8.35, via Shore Line; 8.40, via Shore Line. All A. M.
