

All Students in College Required to Pay Second Instalment by 1 O'clock.

The second instalment of the tuition fee of $50 must be paid by every student registered in a Cambridge department of the University, except Divinity and Law students whose work for the whole academic year amounts to two and one-half courses or more, before 1 o'clock tomorrow. Every such student whose work for the whole year is to be less than two and one-half courses is required to pay his entire tuition fee minus the amount of his first instalment already paid.

Any student in the College who fails to pay his dues before this time is liable for a special fee of $10 upon his reinstatement.

Failure to comply with this ruling is cause for separation of the student from the University.

No credit will be given on the payment of the tuition fee to holders of scholar-ships which require a receipt to be given until the holder has called at the Bursar's Office and signed the required acknowledgement. Other aids and scholarships such as the Price Greenleaf Aids, will be credited in payment of the tuition fee without action of the holder.
