Forty-one new books have been added to the Union Library since the last announcement in May. Of these ten have been written by University graduates. In addition to these books, the library has also received a bound volume of Raemaeker's cartoons of the present war. Members of the Union may see this book by applying at the attendant's desk.
Following is a list of the books:
A. Chekhov, "The Darling"; C. A. Eastman, "From the Deep Wood to Civilization"; H. A. Franck, "Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras"; O. L. Hatcher, "A Book for Shakespeare's Plays and Pageants"; H. S. Kerrick, "Military and Naval America"; M. Maeterlinck, "The Wreck of the Storm"; G. Moore, "The Brook Kerith"; C Morton, "The Art of Theatrical Makeup"; J. Masefield, "Gallipoli"; B. Matthews, "A Book About the Theatre"; W. J. Locke, "The Wonderful Year"; E. P. Oppenheim, "The Austrian Court from Within"; W. Roberts, "Book-Verse"; F. W. Seward, "Reminiscences of a War-Time Statesman and Diplomat"; E. H. Southern, "The Melancholy Tales of Me"; E. P. Stebbing, "Jungle By-Ways in India"; J. Timbs, "English Eccentrics and Eccentricities"; J. White, "Book-Song"; R. Datta, "Echoes from East and West", Stories in Blank Verse" and "Poems, Pictures and Songs"; R. Cust, "The Life of Benvenuto Cellini"; G. Pyke, "To Ruhleben and Back"; E. J. Scott and L. B. Stone, "Booker T. Washington"; R. Tagore, "The Hungry Stories"; I. Zangiwill, "The War for the World"; H. G. Wells, "Mr. Britling Sees it Through"; I. F. Marcosson and D. Frohman, "Charles Frohman"; R. Service, "Rhymes of a Red Cross Man"; M. Hewlett, "Gal Saber."
The books by University men are the following:
F. Bishop '08, "The Story of the Submarine"; J. G. Fletcher '02, "Goblins and Pagodas"; J. Gallishaw, S., "Trenching in Gallipoli"; G. A. Gordon '06, "Aspects of the Infinite Mystery"; W. A. Neilson '96, and K. G. T. Webster '93, "Chief British Poets of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries"; N. E. Richardson and O. E. Loomis '11, "Boy Scout Movement Applied to the Church"; H. T. Pulsifer '11, "Mothers and Men"; C. W. Stork '03, "Sea and Bay"; R. P. Utter '98, "Everyday Words and Their Uses"; C. G. Washburn '80, "Theodore Roosevelt."
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