

Speeches by Class Officers, Movies and Music Evening's Program.

The first Junior Class Smoker of the year will be held in the Living Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 8.30 o'clock. J. M. Franking '18, president of the class, will speak on "The Class." D. M. Little '18, chairman of the Finance Committee, will speak on the class finances. The plans for the Junior Dance will be discussed by P. M. Cabot '18, chairman of the dance committee.

Seven reels of first-class photoplays will be shown as follows: Anita Stewart in "The Suspect," five reels; Raymond Hitchcock in "The Wonderful Wager," two reels. In addition to these, two reels of "movies" of the Cornell game will be put on the screen and explained by H. Robb '18, assistant manager of the University football team. An orchestra and a group of singers will furnish the musical part of the program. The usual Budweiser beer, class cigarettes, cider, crackers and cheese will be provided.

An innovation at this smoker will be the elaborate programs which will be distributed to those present. These programs will contain both popular and college songs and the latest to forecasts on the Harvard-Yale game.
