

A. P. Andrew Gave Lecture with Moving Pictures to Audience of 650.

A. Piatt Andrew, A.M., '95, inspector general of the American Ambulance Field Ambulance Service in France, delivered a lecture on the service, illustrated by moving pictures, in the Living Room of the Union last night attended by 650 people.

There are now at the front seven sections, four of which are headed by University graduates. Section Eight is in charge of A. B. Mason '08, Section Nine under Carleton Burr '13, Section Ten under H. M. Luckley '10 and Section Three under Lovering Hill '10. This latter section, according to telegrams received yesterday, has just reached Salonika, where it will operate with the French armies in Greece. This section is larger than the others and is composed of 36 Ford ambulances, two repair cars, a large ambulance (two-ton truck) and 25 volunteers. Hill was in the first section that went to the front. In this section that are ten University men, three Yale and three Princeton men. The following University men are in the section: Lovering Hill '10, C. Baird '11, T. B. Buffum '16, A. G. Carey '14, C. H. Fiske '19, G. M. Hollister '18, J. Munroe '13, H. B. Palmes '10, D. Sargent '13 and E. C. Sortwell '16.
