(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
To those for whom the present was means something more than newspaper thrills, the spectacle presented by the attendance at the memorial service in Appleton Chapel yesterday, was little better than humiliating. That a service to commemorate those of our University who have died on the field should draw barely enough to fill a third of the Chapel is a terrible indictment of the majority of the University. For it shows that our joyous, carefree, trifling population were so occupied with themselves over their little businesses that they failed completely to grasp the significance of the event. They lost one of the very few opportunities given them to show that they are alive and sensitive to the great agony of this war, which has escaped them and which they by their lethargic callousness choose to shun. Granted that the hour was most inappropriate, and that the service was badly advertised, the fact remains that scarcely 75 men were interested enough to come to a meeting of this kind at which the speakers were the President of the University and one of her most heroic graduates. Major Higginson. And so the service-failed utterly of being the splendid and triumphant memorial which a packed Chapel would have made it.
But it is past now. May some forced hurl into this University a fire-brand which will enflame us and arouse us from our lethargy and teach us that men--our own companions, too--are daily and hourly serving us and dying for us on the field of battle. When the thought burns into our minds the University will have redeemed itself for yesterday's humiliation. JOHN PAULDING BROWN 2L. JOHN GALLISHAW Sp. 3.
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