The nominating committee of the Senior Class has been appointed as follows: James William Davenport Seymour, of New York, N. Y., chairman; Robert Nathan Cram, of Kennebunk, Me.; Lorenzo Barry Day, of Boston; James King Hoyt, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; Walter Staunton Mack, Jr., of New York, N. Y.
The first group of Senior Class elections will consist of the following officers: the three marshals, the treasurer, orator, Ivy orator, poet, odist and chorister, and will be held on Wednesday, December 13, in accordance with the provisions of the class constitution. The committee will nominate at least two men for each of these offices not later than Friday, December 8. Additional nominations may be made by petitions signed by 25 members of the class.
The second group of elections will consist of the office of secretary, the class committee, the Class Day committee, and the photograph committee, and will be held on Tuesday, December 19. The list of nominations for this second group shall be announced not later than Thursday, December 14.
The provisional lists of Seniors eligible to vote in these elections will be posted in the Union, Phillips Brooks House, Thayer Common Room, and the South Entry of University Hall, within the next ten days.
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First University Tea Friday