

Business Meeting and Banquet on Today's Program for Delegates.

The New England Federation of Harvard Clubs will open its annual convention with a business meeting of delegates at 2.30 today. The meeting, which will be held at the Harvard Club, will be presided over by President Eliot, and will entail the usual routine of business, and such special topics as may be introduced by the delegates.

There will be a banquet tonight in Harvard Hall of the Harvard Club at 7 o'clock. Tickets may be secured at the Club for $3 apiece. President Eliot will also preside at this dinner, and among the speakers will be Thomas Mott Osborne '84, of Auburn, N. Y.

Tomorrow morning the delegates will visit the University and will be shown about the grounds by guides. The Oakley Country Club grounds will also be at the disposal of those who do not want to visit the University. From 12.30 to 1.30 o'clock a buffet luncheon will be served at the Union, at which the delegates will be guests.

The delegates are to attend the Brown game in a body tomorrow afternoon. This has been arranged through the courtesy of the Athletic Association in procuring tickets for all the members of the convention.
