"Billy" Sunday has come to town. A Great deal has been written about this remarkable man. That he is remarkable is 4evidenced by the widely contrary opinions concerning him. Some of the most orthodox and sincere Christians believe his work worse that useless. A great many atheists and kindred folk who normally look upon all religious impulse as folly, consider Mr. Sunday's work constructive because it awakens a dormant moral sense in thousands. Amid such diverse views we cannot dogmatically define the man. No doubt the wisest opinion would be that the proper adjective to describe him is "indeterminable"--whatever that may be.
Mr. Sunday will doubtless and find a great many things to condemn in the University. That is his way. It is reasonable, also, that there are thing to condemn. But it is a question whether Mr. Sunday, in his criticism, will pick on these things or rather on the things that may be commended. It is to be hoped that the University's opinion of Mr. Sunday, while not necessarily reciprocal, may be fully as high as Mr. Sunday's opinion of the University. And it is quite possible, should Mr. Sunday have occasion to visit Harvard, that even the most conservative and orthodox members of the University may find something both interesting and instructive in his comments.
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