

Pollard Big Factor in Providence Team Defeating Elis 21 to 6 in Saturday's Game.

Showing a versatile attack and an impregnable defence, Brown was able to decisively defeat Yale Saturday by a 21 to 6 score. But this defeat cannot be regarded as a just criterion of Yale's true strength, for the latter team, unwilling to risk its regulars, used eighteen players in the contest. These second-string men, however, were no match for the fast Brown aggregation, when open play was started.

The first half closed with Yale leading 6 to 0. Throughout the period Yale maintained the advantage, but Brown's remarkable exhibition of defensive playing limited Yale's score to two filed goals both made by Braden. It was evident that the Providence eleven anticipated an early lead for Yale, and likewise foresaw that the Blue would enter the second half with many substitutes in the line-up. These calculations proved correct, and not until the last two periods did Brown uncover her bewildering assortment of trick plays and criss-cross formations. Against a line weakened by substitutes these were invariably successful, and Brown rushed through the New Haven eleven for three touchdowns.

Brown Here Saturday.

The victors will undoubtedly be formidable opponents in the Stadium next Saturday. They possess a superb attack executed by a well coached and perfectly conditioned eleven. Their offence is centered about pollard, whose long runs featured the game.

The New York Times praised him as follows: "Individually, Fritz Pollard, a lithe, dusky, six-foot half back, displayed the cleverest all-around backfield success attained on Yale Field this season. In end running, forward passing, in executing a bewildering criss-cross and delayed pass run, which was Brown's trump card, in running back punts, in side stepping and dodging Yale tackles in a broken field, Pollard gave a peerless performance. His head line exhibition brought the crowd of 25,000 spectators up with a roar in the opening minutes of the final period. Catching a punt hoisted aloft to midfield by the toe of Harry Legore, Pollard dexterously threw off the Yale ends, started towards the right, drawing the entire pack of Yale tacklers in the direction, and then using a puzzling side step, switched to the left where he outstripped every Yale pursuer in a desperate sprint for the Yale goal line, sailing across with the second touchdown."


Yale-Princeton Results at Stadium. During the Brow game next Saturday, the spectators will be kept informed as to the progress of the Yale-Princeton contest. Every play will be shown on a special electric score board, and announcements will be made at frequent intervals. This score board will be run by the H. A. a., and a direct wire has been leased for the occasion.
