

Authorities Plan to Establish Elective Course in Its Place.

NEW HAVEN, CONN., Nov. 9, 1916.-In an official order made public today it is announced that the Yale Battery of field artillery will be disbanded before December 1. A Reserve Officers' Training Corps will be established in its stead at Yale and the official order from the War Department will come some time this month.

Plans have been made for the establishment of an elective course as an addition to the college curriculum and the War Department will give the plan its complete authorization. Colonel Danforth, U. S. A., who has been in command of the Yale Battery since its establishment a year ago, will be in roil charge of the course.

A description of the course, the credit it will give toward a college degree and the details of the organization will probably be published tomorrow. Service in the Yale Battery will be counted towards a commission in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
