

Improvement on Commencement Exercises Suggested by Alumni.

At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association, the Committee on Inspection of Commencement made the following suggestions based upon close observance of the 1916. Commencement celebration. On account of the increased electorate and increasing number of voters it was proposed to change the polling place for Overseers from Harvard Hall to Massachusetts Hall. The addition of several more tents apart from the service tent for the general spread on Sever Quadrangle was recommended, and the consolidation of the marshal's lunch for the Corporation and Board of Overseers, and other guests with the general spread was suggested.

Furthermore, the committee proposed the erection of a portable iron amphitheater in the Sever Quadrangle, facing Robinson Hall, to accommodate the gathering behind Sever. A large permanent auditorium or an armory for the Harvard Regiment was suggested in connection with the amphitheater as means of saving the acoustical difficulties of the exercises. Some means of controlling the length of the afternoon speeches was sought for by the committee as a means of increasing the interest and dignity of the occasion:

The suggestion to remove all the exercises to the Stadium was strongly opposed by the committee on the grounds that the loss of the setting and the atmosphere of the College Yard would not be compensated by the increased facilities at the Stadium.
