

Nelson Award of $200 Offered for Best Thesis Written by Any Student or Instructor.

The committee in charge of the Nelson Prizes in Plumbing announces that during 1916-17, $200 will be awarded for the best paper on the practice or theory of plumbing. These prizes are named in honor of Mr. N. O. Nelson, who has devoted himself to the general improvement of living conditions. The contest is open to any student or instructor in the University.

The chairman of the committee in charge is Professor George C. Whipple, of the Sanitary Engineering Department, who may be consulted at his office in Pierce 212. Papers submitted shall contain not more than 5,000 words unless special permission to submit a longer paper has been obtained. The completed papers must be in the hands of the committee by April 1; 1917. Each entrant should send his name, qualifications and the subject of his proposed paper to Professor Whipple by November 1.
