

Annual Fall Competition to Start Today and Last Until January.

Plans for the fall competition of the Illustrated will be outlined tonight at a meeting for candidates to be held at the Illustrated office, 1284 Massachusetts avenue. All candidates are to report at 7.30 o'clock. The Illustrated offers three departments to competitors--news, photographic and business; and the competitions will last until January.

Candidates for the news end are required to write editorials and articles descriptive of current college activities. This competition is open to Juniors and Sophomores only. Four men will be elected from 1919 and three from 1918.

In order to try for the photographic department, no previous experience is necessary. The Illustrated will provide candidates with cameras and will allow them the use of a completely equipped dark-room. Timely snapshots and action pictures will usually be rewarded with publication. At least two men will be taken on from 1919 and 1920 respectively.

Some clerical work is required of business candidates beside the usual soliciting of advertisements and subscriptions. Under the new policy of the paper members of the business department will receive financial remuneration on a percentage basis. This competition is limited to Freshmen and Sophomores.
