The current number of the Alumni Bulletin contains the following comment on a recent book descriptive of the work of the American ambulance drivers in France:
"The Harvard public may be expected to take a special interest in the recently published book, "Friends of France: The Field Service of the American Ambulance, described by its Members." Many of its pages were written by Harvard men. What is more striking is the fact that in the list of 286 members of this field service, up to April, 1916, there are 77 names followed by the word "Harvard"--a far larger representation than that of any other single college. More notable still is the Harvard element in the list of "Citations" for special manifestations of courage and devotion. The list contains 30 names, 14 of which belong to Harvard men. This is a record in which the whole body of the Alumni, however variegated their shades of belief, may take a wholesome pride."
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