
Prizes For Aero Essays

As a result of the widespread interest in aviation for national defense which led more that fifty undergraduates to devote their summer vacations to aviation schooling, of whom 12 Yale and 21 Harvard men succeeded in becoming practical pilots, 150 medals will be offered during the coming year for the best essays on aeronautical subjects. Every university and college with more than 2,000 students will be given three medals a piece for which to compete.

The Aero Club of America, which is offering the medals, has named as the three subjects on which the essays are to be written, "Military Aeronautics," "Mechanics of the Aeroplane and Possible Technical Development in Aeronautics," and "Possible Application of Aircraft for Utilitarian Purposes." More than 200,000 students throughout the country are eligible for the competition, which is not confined to these who attend aviation schools.
