

It is refreshing to reflect that some of the great universities of the world are still left to promote international good-feeling and tolerance. Oxford, Heidelberg and the Sorbonne are giving academic sanction to the cause of their own countries. German scholarship is found to be pedantic; French scholarship to be superficial. Most intellectual lights, like Sir Gilbert Murray and Gabriele d'Annunzio, have found their refuge in acquiescent, even enthusiastic patriotism. Some like Romain Rolland preach tolerance in a foreign country. Bertrand Russell and Maximilian Harden who insist on academic freedom reap only dishonor among their own people.

But in America science and art are still under no restriction. Harvard is perhaps the most cosmopolitan of American universities, and the number of foreign students here has increased rapidly in the last few years. In 1912-13 there were 134 students from 29 foreign countries; two years ago 149 from 31 countries, and last year 185 from 38 countries. Every important nation except Italy has some representative. The Faculty comprises men as diverse racially as Professor Allard, Munsterberg, Wiener, Dupriez and von Jagemann.

Here we are still tolerant, as much because of our geographical isolation as our political neutrality. French and German claim about the same number of devotees; Psychology A and Slavio A retain their former popularity. Indeed, our error is far more often on the side of indifference than of intolerance. However, it is well that one of the world's centres of learning rejects partisanship when many others are blinded, and we can only hope that post-bellum patriotism will not affect Harvard's internationalism.
