

180 Crew Candidates Working at Yale Under Coach Guy Nickalls and Professor Abbott.

Day, a star end the past two seasons, joined the Massachusetts Agricultural football squad yesterday and materially boosted the hope for a successful season. Coach Melican is not letting up on the men, and stiff daily practice is the rule. The linemen have been getting particular attention, and have been doing most encouraging work. Connecticut State University will be the Aggies' next opponents, while the game with the University will take place on October 21.

North Carolina vs. Princeton.

The University of North Carolina's heavy football team will meet Princeton at Princeton next Saturday. The result of this game will be of great interest as North Carolina comes to the Stadium the following week and its games with Princeton and Harvard will form the first basis of comparison between the teams of the two larger colleges.

The four Yale batteries of field artillery which have been in camp at Tobyhanna during the summer and which have recently been mustered out of the Federal service, will have a new armory this year. Work will begin shortly. The armory will be built on two sides of the baseball cage, thus enlarging it into one large hall. Provisions will be made for a lecture room and sub-calibre range.

About 180 crew candidates reported for the University and freshman crews at New Haven. Coach Nickalls addressed a preliminary gathering and laid emphasis on the fact that stricter and more efficient rules would govern this year's practice.


The Sheffield Fraternity Council has proposed several new regulations for controlling the admission of freshmen to membership. It is desired to put the whole system entirely on an honor basis. The penalties for the infringement of rules will be made more severe and will be under the control of an undergraduate campaign discipline committee. There will also be a faculty discipline committee made up of three members of the faculty elected unanimously by the undergraduate campaign discipline committee.

Record Registration at Brown.

According to the Transcript, a preliminary report on registration at Brown University shows a total enrolment in the men's, women's and graduate departments of 1,035, exclusive of over a score of students who are with the troops on the Mexican border. The preliminary total, as of October 1, shows an increase of three over the figures for the same date a year ago. With the return of the troops from the border and the normal increase in enrolment this month, the final total will surpass the 1915 record of eleven hundred students.

The freshman class in the men's college, while not quite up to the record of 259, established last year, is an unusually large one, 237 being registered October 1. The total enrolment in the Men's College is 729, or nineteen less than last year's total, due to the small size of the senior class. At the Women's College the entering class is the largest ever, seventy-nine being enrolled, against sixty four in 1914, the previous high year. The graduate department also establishes a new mark, with eighty-two.

The undergraduate men are divided as follows: seniors, 115; juniors, 136; sophomores, 209; freshmen, 237; special students, 32.

The experiment, tried last year for the first time, of giving a series of "orientation" lectures to the freshman class, in order that the new men may gain a quicker conception of the university and what it offers, is to be repeated this year. The number of lectures has been reduced from 27 to 17. The subjects are on such subjects as "Aims of the College," "Student Activities," "History of Brown University," and on the various fields of study offered by the University.

Mass Meeting at Tufts.

Under the auspices of Tower Cross, the Tufts senior society, the undergraduate body will hold a smoker and sing in Goddard Gymnasium, preceded by a parade, Friday evening, the night before the Harvard game.
