

Harvard will win the Yale Meet next spring if sufficient men report for the field events during the year. This department has lacked material for the last two years, and with no material the best coach in the world cannot produce point winners. At the present time both Harvard and Yale are equally matched as regards experienced men in the field events. Possibly point winners in the meet must be developed from green material by both teams.

During the next four weeks is the time for men who think they can do anything in the pole vault, high jump, or broad jump to report for practice. New men will be given better and more individual coaching now than in the spring, for both Mr. Clark and Dr. Morrill are at the field every afternoon and there are fewer regular track men out.

The question of how to obtain a greater number of field event candidates is now more serious than in former years for final victory depends upon the development of point winners in these events. There are such point winners in the College who are particularly in no form of athletics and are simply loafing. This appeal is directed at them alone. Will they respond?
