The following named students enrolled in Military Science and Tactics 1 have failed to sign enrolment cards: R. Anspach '19, H. Barry, F. W. Dunn '18, A. K. Dunn '17, A. B. MacGregor '18, J. R. Olyphant '18.
The following students in the above named course have failed to hand in class cards showing other college engagements: E. A. Bacon, W. B. Baker, J. F. Brown, J. R. Haire, E. Jackson, T. Means, R. G. Phemister, J. D. Williams '17.
The following have not made out either card: L. R. Bailey '18, P. B. Boyden '18, C. D. Case '19, H. Gage '18, A. A. Granovsky' '18, C. W. Holmes '16 L. P. Jacobs '17, A. D. Macdonald '18, W. W. Sanders.
These cards should be made out and handed in at Weld 8 not later than noon today.
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