


Unless more candidates come out for Freshmen soccer the team will be forced to cancel its games. To date, there have never been more than twelve men on the field, and yesterday the number fell to seven. Sufficient practice cannot be obtained without two full teams. Last year 25 men, and the year before that, 44, appeared for the first work-out.

The Freshman Class' failure to respond to the call for candidates seems more unusual when it is considered that soccer is a sport which offers very great opportunity for men who lack weight enough for football and experience enough for baseball. Those who were dropped from Freshman football when the last cut was made might find more opportunity in the soccer squad. This year's schedule includes games with many of the neighboring preparatory schools, beginning October 25 at Andover. G. J. Tilton '20, the former Andover player, has been appointed captain.

The University team is not in such urgent need of candidates, but fresh material is welcome. So far about 30 have reported, but about 10 more men are needed so that a third team can be formed. The first game is still three weeks off, which gives plenty of chance for the new candidates to learn the game. For the last few days twenty minute scrimmages have been the rule, and the team is slowly rounding into better shape.

A second call is issued for candidates from the Sophomore Class for the second assistant managership of the University soccer team. The number of men reported for the competition is not as large as the opportunity warrants. Attention is called to the two trips which the teams take this season and to the fact that a fuller schedule of trips is planned for next year. Candidates should report to Manager J. K. Hoyt '17 at the Locker Building at 2.30 today. The competition consits of work on the field as well as clerical work. No previous experience is necessary
