The Advocate will hold its first smoker of the year in the Sanctum on the top floor of the Union tomorrow at 7.30 o'clock. All prospective candidates for the literary and business departments of the paper as well as any others interested are invited to be present. E. V. Vallandigham of Chestnut Hill will speak, and R. N. Cram '17, president of the Advocate, will outline the work of the literary competition and short-story contest, which the Advocate is running this fall. Refreshments will be served.
A prize of twenty-five dollars is offered for the best short story on some phase of college life, written by a present member of the University. Graduate and undergraduate students alike may compete. Each story submitted must not exceed 5,000 words in length. A committee of three members of the Faculty, to be announced later, will judge the competition, which will close in January.
All manuscripts must be neatly written and signed with a nom de plume, the real name of the writer being enclosed in an accompanying envelope. Manuscripts should be sent to R. N. Cram '17, care of the Advocate, the Union.
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