

No Organization to Hold Meeting Without Ratification.

The Student Council Date Book will be managed from now on by a committee of the Council, with J. W. D. Seymour '17 as chairman. The purpose of the Date Book is to prevent conflicts in the time of open meetings and the like. No organization shall hold a meeting open to the public, the University, or any one class, without having the time and day of such meeting ratified by the Student Council, through the chairman of the Date Book Committee.

The Date Book is kept in Matthews 18 but a card catalogue for general reference is kept up to date in the Union. Application for a date should be made by letter or in person to J. W. D. Seymour '17, Matthews 18, preferably one month before the time to be set for the function, the minimum time, except in emergencies, which must elapse between the application and date desired is two weeks. Anyone wishing to reserve a date should consult the card catalogue in the Union, and then make application. If some other meeting is scheduled for the same time the chairman of the Date Book Committee should be seen at once.

All organizations are requested to send in a list of their planned open meetings at once for ratification by the Council. No entries shall be made in the card catalogue at the Union except by the committee, and all applications to be ratified must go to the chairman of the committee.
