
Crimson Calendar

(All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar.")


4.00--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University 5.

8.00--Geological Conference. "Some Fundamental Points in the Classification of Trilobites," by Professor Raymond; "Kimberlite Pipes of South Africa," by Professor Palache; Mineralogy Lecture Room, University Museum.

8.00--First Forum in Union.


Wednesday, November 1.

Nelson Prize topics due.

Theses for Wells Prize due.

Last day for receiving applications of candidates for final honors in 1917.

4.00--Conference on Municipal Government. "Recent Improvements in State Budgetary Procedure," by Mr. A. C. Hanford, Widener N.

4.45--Chemical Colloquium. "Atomic Weight of Tin," by Professor Baxter; "Recent Researches in the Wolcott Gibbs Laboratory," by Professor Richards; Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.

8.00--Moving pictures of work of American Ambulance Field Service in Europe and lecture by A. P. Andrew '95, in Union.

8.00--Joint reception by the Graduate Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House and the Radcliffe Graduate Club in Phillips Brooks House.

Thursday, November 2.

3.30--Romance Seminary meeting in Widener Y.
