A dinner was tendered to 362 scout masters, assistant scout masters, commissioners and assistant commissioners by President Charles C. Jackson, of the Greater Boston District, which includes every city and town within a ten-mile radius of Boston, in the Living Room of the Union last evening at 7.45 o'clock.
At the head table were President C. C. Jackson, President Lowell, G. F. Willett, founder of the Norwood Civic Association and trustee of Boston University; E. D. Brandegee '81; Regent; E. F. McSweeney, director of the port of Boston; J. A. Wilder '93, commissioner of Honolulu, Hawaii; Judge Charles Almy '72 and Professor W. E. Richardson of Boston University.
The Glee Club rendered several songs and there was a general discussion of topics bearing directly upon scout management, conducted by J. C. Irwin on "Troop Management," E. A. Ray on "Activities and Leadership," and W. D. Brooks on "Supervision."
President Jackson gave a speech of welcome in which he told of the growth of the Boy Scout movement in the past year, and showed the need of co-operation in civic life.
Boy Scouts Well Organized.
The second speaker of the evening was President Lowell. "You who are interested in the Boy Scouts," he said, "have founded the movement on the same theory on which the United States is based, the inherent goodness of human nature. There are many possibilities in every youth which are not always evident except in some natural crisis. No one who has to do with young boys can fail to realize this. The difficulty which one encounters is in trying to bring out these qualities when there is no natural crisis at hand. That is what you are trying to do. You are teaching them that there is something else in life worth living for besides seeking that which he ought not to do; you are showing them that self-discipline and co-operation with others brings the most pleasure to life, and you have succeeded remarkably well. It is my sincere wish that this organization which you have started so admirably will enjoy a life of prosperity."
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